CENLA Area Agency on Aging is here to help you...
CAAA's Mission
The CENLA Area Agency on Aging develops and oversees a network of community-based services for seniors and their caregivers to enable seniors to continue to live in their communities for as long as possible.
We contract Older Americans Act resources to local agencies to provide access to a variety of services to solve problems that seniors may be having. These services include assistance in house maintenance and cleaning; caregiver and sitter resources; legal assistance; respite care; transportation; congregate meals, and home delivered meals, and wellness.
If you or a senior that you know is in need of help, please contact us and we will provide the resources to help answer your questions or solve the problem.
Additional assistance is provided on the following:
- Extra Help: Low Income Subsidies for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Programs
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Ombudsman Program
- SHIIP: Senior Health Insurance Information Program
- S.N.A.P.
- New Eyes for the Needy
- Hearing Aids
- Title III-D Wellness
- Food Resournces
- Food Bank
- Congregate and Home Delivered Meals
State of Louisiana - Area Plan
A Comprehensive Coordinated Service System for Older Persons in Louisiana